Sön 3 dec 2023, 10:00-16:00
Samling: 10:00, Entrén IKEA LiveHelgen 2-3/12 är det Julmarknad inne på IKEA Live. Vi har fått möjligheten att jobba där båda dagarna och därigenom tjäna pengar till vårt lag, P11! Vi kommer att ha två arbetspass per dag och behöver minst 5 föräldrar som ställer upp per dag! Kallelsen stänger nästa måndag, 13/11. Se mail för mer info!
During the weekend Dec 2nd and 3rd, there is a Christmas fair in IKEA Live. We have been given the opportunity to work there both days, to raise some money for our team! We will have two work-shifts per day and need minimum 5 parents who volunteer to work each day. Last day to answer to the invitation is next Monday November 13th.See mail for more info!
During the weekend Dec 2nd and 3rd, there is a Christmas fair in IKEA Live. We have been given the opportunity to work there both days, to raise some money for our team! We will have two work-shifts per day and need minimum 5 parents who volunteer to work each day. Last day to answer to the invitation is next Monday November 13th.See mail for more info!
Endast kallade kan anmäla sig till aktiviteten. 46 personer är kallade.
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