Avslutning på August
Tis 18 okt 2022, 18:00-19:30
Restaurang August
Samling: 18:00Vi avslutar säsongen med att äta pizza tillsammans på Restaurang August. Meddela eventuella allergier i svaret på inbjudan. Om ni inte lämnat in matchkläderna, så ta med dem. Välkommen!
We are ending the season with having some pizza together at Restaurant August. Please notify food allergies in the answer in the invite. If you have not yet returned the match outfit, please bring them. Welcome!
We are ending the season with having some pizza together at Restaurant August. Please notify food allergies in the answer in the invite. If you have not yet returned the match outfit, please bring them. Welcome!
Anmälan är öppen för alla i laget.
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